Learning Vocabulary Meaningfully and Really Remember and Know How to Use Them

If you did click open this blog post, we can all agree that there's no need to address how important learning vocabulary is. Skipping the preamble on  "hello everyone, this is why we need to learn vocabulary, and then this is what we do", let's dive straight into my first hand experience of building vocabulary in second language learning. 

Learning Vocabulary Meaningfully: Learn and Produce

In this part, I'll demonstrate how I learned the word "congenial":



Step 1. I wrote the word in a Microsoft.doc, including its pronunciation in IPA if unsure, highlighted in green.

Step 2. I checked the dictionary to clarify the meaning, especially especially distinguishing it from synonyms.

Step 3. I did a quick research on the stem, prefix and suffix of the word, and I set the font of words that are closely relate to the "core" meaning of  "congenial" in bold.

Step 4. I noted down one example sentence given by the dictionary, and created one that is related to my real life. Meanwhile, I highlighted the phrases/part of the sentence to help my future revision (which we will discuss in the next section).

How to Memorize Vocabulary/Revision


To check if I know the meaning of the word, the first step is simply look at the word and see if I can recall the meaning. If not, I will look at the highlighted part in example sentences and use it to prompt my memory. If still not, I'll read the whole example sentences and try to recall the memory. Still failing? Well, look at the synonyms. Still no? Fine, look at the definition.

To check if I know how to use the word. Step one, look at the highlighted part in example sentences and "rewrite" the sentence using "congenial". Then brainstorm more situations I can use this word and produce more sentences.

If you've enjoyed reading so far and want to give a try of my tactic, I'd be thrilled to hear about your learning experience. If you are curious why I've chosen what might seem like a redundant approach to learning vocabulary, I'm eager to share my reasoning.

Justification: Why This Commitment?

I firmly believe in the power of repetition in language learning, but the key lies in varied exposure to the word.  To complete the learning procedure we discussed in section one, there are at least six chances that I exposed to this new word "congenial" ranging from checking the dictionary to creating sentences. This approach is far more effective than simply reviewing the definition six times.

You probably noticed that I used different visual method while making my studying note (font-color, bold, and highlight). I have been using this system for a while. Green indicates pronunciation, bold signifies meaning, and highlighted portions in example sentences provide context to trigger my memory of the word.

Initially, it was slow as I applied this system to learning new words. However, as I've become more familiar with it, the process has significantly sped up.

A few more words

Meaningful vocabulary acquisition involves more than just rote memorization. This approach emphasizes not just knowing the definitions of words but also understanding their usage in meaningful context, ultimately leading to more effective language acquisition. I will be more than happy to see the outcome after you give a try on my approach. And please share your ways to learn vocabulary in the comment area.

Have fun learning!





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